
Python Data Types used for the REST objects

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Action(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Action object


Creates a representation of the class as a dictionary Overrides the parent method as all members variables of this class are strings

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Alert

A Python representation of the Alert object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.AlertTopic

A Python representation of the AlertTopic object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.AlertTopicListener

A Python representation of the AlertTopicListener object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.App(**kwargs)

An app

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.AppHealth(**kwargs)

An app health object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Arp(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Arp object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.AuditLogEntry

A Python representation of the AuditLogEnrty object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.BandStats(JsonObject)

A python representation of the BandStats object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Btree

A Python representation of the Btree object

A Python representation of the BtreeLink object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Bucket(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Bucket object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Callback

A Python representation of the Callback object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Cluster(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Cluster object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.ClusterSync

A python representation of the ClusterSync object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Config

A Python representation of the Config class

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.ConfigItem

A Python representation of the ConfigItem class

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.ControllerNode(**kwargs)

A Controller Node

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Cost

A Python representation of the Cost object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.DataPoint(**kwargs)

A datapoint

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Datapath(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Datapath object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.DatapathControllers(**kwargs)

A controller, from a datapath point of view

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Dhcp

A Python representation of the Dhcp message

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.DhcpOptions

A Python representation of DHCP Options

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Ethernet

A python object to represent the Ethernet header

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Flow(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Flow object

classmethod factory(data)

Override factory in the base class to create a single instance of the Match class for the ‘match’ key. We do this as each match field may only exist once. Actions are trickier as keys here are not unique. When multiple values are present,

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Group(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Group object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.GroupFeatures(**kwargs)

Docstirg here

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.GroupStats(JsonObject)

A python representation of the GroupStats object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Icmp

A python object to represent the Icmp header

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Icmpv6(**kwargs)


A python object to represent the Icmp header

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Instruction(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Instruction object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Ip

A python object to represent the Ip header

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Ipv6

A python object to represent the Ipv6 header

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.JsonObject

This is the base class for all HP SDN Client data types.

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.License(**kwargs)

A License

A python representation of the Link object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.LinkInfo(JsonObject)

A python representation of the LinkInfo object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.LinkSync

A python representation of the LinkSync object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.LldpProperties(JsonObject)

A python representation of the LldpProperties object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Match(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Match object


Creates a representation of the class as a dictionary Overrides the parent method as all members variables of this class are strings

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Meter(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Meter object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.MeterBand(JsonObject)

A python representation of the MeterBand object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.MeterStats(JsonObject)

A python representation of the MeterStats object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Metric

A Python object to represent the Metric object.

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.MetricApp(**kwargs)

An application with metering data on disk

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.MetricUpdate(**kwargs)


A Python object to represent the Metric object.

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.MetricValues(**kwargs)

The metric values

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Node(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Node object

A Pyhton representation of the NodeLink object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.NodeMessage

A Python representation of the NodeMessage object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.NodeSync

A python representation of the NodeSync object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Packet

A Python object to represent the Packet object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Path(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Path object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Port(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Port object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.PortStats(JsonObject)

A python representation of the PortStats object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Region(**kwargs)

A Region

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Stats(JsonObject)

A python representation of the Stats object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.SupportEntry

A Python representation of the SupportEntry class

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.System(**kwargs)

A system

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Tcp

A Pyhton representation of the TCP header

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Team

A Python representation of the Team object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.TeamSystem(**kwargs)


A Python object to represent the systems that belong to a team.

A Python representation of the TreeLink object

class hpsdnclient.datatypes.Udp

A Pyhton representation of the UDP header